F.I.S.: App Paper Release

First time published: 2012Jul10

Tonight I found the first App. I was already looking for this kind of apps, but this new one is free!!! And made by a great organization so should be a Must for all shooters!!!

App list, prices referred @2012:

ASMP Releases (free)

Easy Release by ApplicationGap (7.99€)

iPhone Contract Maker Apps (2.39€)

Notes 2012:
  1. ASMP app in my opinion is a bit complicate, soon I'll test others
  2. : others app I found in the list below
Top Model Release (7.99€ by Catherine Hall)

Model Release (4.49€)

release me (8.99$)

iRelease (not in italy)

ID Release (free)

Notes 2019:
  1. ASMP app looks like is not available for ITA-EU store;
  2. iPhone Contract Maker app looks like discontinued;
  3. Top Model Release app looks like is not available for ITA-EU store;
  4. Model Release app looks like discontinued;
  5. release me app looks like discontinued;
  6. iRelease app looks like discontinued;
  7. ID Release app looks like discontinued;
  8. The app Easy Release (the second one on the top list) is what I'm using today, I love it!! Just be careful using forms, check exactly which nation you are, so be careful with the wizard.
