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S.R.: 40° Primo Cup 2024 - Day 1 - Nothing to do... but a new toy tonight...

S.R.: 40° Primo Cup 2024 - Day 0: La calma primaverile prima della tempesta??? the spring calm before the storm???

S.R: 45° RéRo 2023 Day 3: Small Change make difference

S.R.: 45° RéRo 2023 Day 2: Solo chi persevera avrà successo…

S.R.: 45° RéRo 2023 Day 1: Italian Challenger rule!!!

S.R.: MCW - Ci vuole stile a fare le cose…

S.R.: MCW - Big boat small cup Huge atmosphere

S.R.: LVA DAY 3+4:

S.R.: LVA Day 2: We learn a lot today…